
Top Construction Firms Says Twin Towers Destroyed by Demolition



1) countries have borders<br>
2) borders exist for a reason<br>
3) national sovereignty means just that<br>
4) Illegal means illegal<br>
5) The law is the law<br>
6) The rule of law is the foundation of a stable and successful country<br>
7) The influx of millions of desperate slave wage earners into a country
cannot in any way be good for the people of that country.<br>
8) The govt exists to serve and protect its citizens<br>
9) Politicians of a country are public servants to the citizens of that
10) Protecting your country's border is not racism....its your right.<br class="khtml-block-placeholder">


Illegal Alien's Cost to Government Studied



Michele Obama Admits Barry was Born in Kenya

Gabriella speaks at Tuscon Council Mtinghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShkpO9Rf1bo&amp;feature=player_embedded


<h1>Mexico's illegals laws tougher than Arizona's</h1>http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/may/03/mexicos-illegals-laws-tougher-than-arizonas/<br>


FDR on Communism

<font class="sqq">“<a class="sqq" href="http://thinkexist.com/quotation/i_do_not_believe_in_communism_any_more_than_you/186895.html">I
do not believe in Communism any more than you do but there is nothing
wrong with the Communists in this country; several of the best friends I
have got are Communists</a>”</font>
<img src="http://thinkexist.com/i/sq/as4.gif" title="Author Popularity 9/10" alt="" align="middle" height="9" width="11">&nbsp;<a class="sqa" href="http://thinkexist.com/quotes/franklin_d._roosevelt/">Franklin D.
Roosevelt quotes</a><font class="sqb"> (<a href="http://thinkexist.com/nationality/american_authors/" class="sqb">American</a>
32nd US <a href="http://thinkexist.com/occupation/famous_presidents/" class="sqb">President</a> (1933-45), cousin of <a href="http://thinkexist.com/quotes/theodore_roosevelt/" class="sqb">Theodore
Roosevelt</a>, 26th US president. <a class="sqb" href="http://thinkexist.com/birthday/january_30/">1882</a>-<a class="sqb" href="http://thinkexist.com/birthday/april_12/">1945</a>)</font>